Maybe you feel a bit lost right now? The last few months have been difficult for everyone, our new normal still seems to be a bit vague. It could be a good time to plan, to clear out some old outmoded behaviours and start thinking about what you really want in life but with the support you need to make it happen. Whatever your needs are right now you will receive my utmost empathy and care.
Clients can typically attend one hour weekly sessions with me in person at one of my clinics depending on the level of need and specific personal circumstances. My aim is to support you mentally and emotionally and help you develop some coping skills to help you get back on track with your life.
If you’d rather connect with online sessions then we can work together using Skype or Zoom. Leaving behind the confines of your home/office is another option as we can ‘walk and talk’ at either Tooting Common or Battersea Park after an initial consultation if it feels safe for you to do so.
Are you dealing with specific issues?
Anxiety and Stress
Relationship Issues
Low Self Esteem / Confidence Issue
Fears and Phobias
Trauma and Loss
Weight Management